Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Using Bias Tape to Finish Armhole of Dress

I absolutely love to use single fold bias tape to finish an armhole. Especially for children's clothing. It's quick to do, bias tape is usually under $2.00 for 4 yards and you can make it yourself if so inclined. When I designed this dress, I wanted it to be simple. I added a ruffled skirt to up the cute factor.
You can add single fold bias tape to any sleeveless garment. It gives the garment a very finished look. Think of it as a mini facing for the sleeve. Some may think it's a little tricky to sew. Let me demystify it. First, pin the right side of the bias tape to the right side of the garment armhole.
Next, you'll want to sew the tape to the armhole. The seam allowance is 1/4 inch from edge. Turn the bias tape towards the seam allowance. Now you should be looking at the right side of the garment and the right side of the bias tape.
Topstitch on the bias tape, closely to the seam. The last step is to fold the bias tape over to the wrong side of the garment and sew tape down to garment close to edge of tape for a neat looking finish. You're done, and it looks great.
If you're interested in this pattern, please check it out at or Thanks for looking, G